We arrived to Ethiopia and became scared of the country ...
It is a very poor country ...
The country will stay in our minds for a long time ...
This is not Africa. Cars are going on the right side, they somehow follow the traffic rules, they use European electric plugs, they give you a receipt similar to Czech receipts to everything purchased, their currency has almost the same value as the Czech currency, they stay in queues, they do not smile on the streets, they do not care much of the foreigners, they have funny anti-corruption ads ...
We started to be scared of Ethiopian people ...
We changed our mind and started to love Ethiopian people ...
We changed our mind and started to hate Ethiopian people ...
We changed our mind and realized that Ethiopian people are normal and that you can find good and bad ones ...
We were sightseeing, we were enjoying cheap and great coffee and food, we were scammed in a "chat underground club".
We were travelling 15 hours in a local bus, we were feeding giant hyenas, we were travelling back 12 hours in a minibus.
We got 39.0 fever, we visited 2 hospitals, we got negative malaria tests and are perfectly healthy now.
We got visa to Egypt and yesterday, we got the rare Sudanese visa.
We heard that some Sudanese extremists wait for western tourists at the border crossing with Ethiopia and attack or kidnap them. So, let's hope, we will meet again in Egypt.