Czech Republic

Unprepared Departure

So, we finally left. The plan was November 17, after my problems with injured finger and teeth, we moved the planned departure to the night after the Good-Bye party on November 11, the next planned departure was on December 1 and then each following day. Andrea was already a little bit pissed off that I had not still finished packing, moving my stuff, renting my apartment, copying all files, installing all programs, purchasing all the stuff for the trip, packing the backpack for the trip ...

Photos Good-bye Prague

Photos Good-bye Prague

Party at Karavanseraj resturant on November 27, 2009 before the departure!

Good-bye Party

It was a wonderful good-bye party at Karavanseraj. Pity that some of you could not join us and that many friends are not in Prague.

You missed also a belly dancing show! A wonderful surprise planned by our ex-colleagues, who were very happy to finally see us leaving.
