Unprepared Andrea's blog

November 11, Alexandria. The Great African Journey is done.

Cape Town - Alexandria in 5 and 1/2 months via bus, minibus, ferry boat, cargo ship and even on foot. Done! Easy, no? ok, we had to use the plane from Nairobi to Addis Ababa since the gentle Ethiopian embassies in East Africa do not release visa for overland journey.
In June, when we landed in Johannesburg, we wanted to leave Africa asap. We planned to travel for 2-3 months and then we got a strange sickness called "Africanized". And here we are now after more than 5 months travelling.

Unprepared Iran Photos

October 2, Malindi, Kenya

60km hiking in the Usambura mountains among villages and kids shouting anything that they know in English to a msungu, eg "pick-a-picta", "Good morning Teacher", "Give me my money" o "Give me my pen", "This is my stomach" and "Musungu in Africa". That was my last bit of hiking after getting lazy in Zanzibar.

September 16, Kilimanjaro: Mission accomplished

5895 meters, with the last part starting from 4700mts. Madness and suicidal tendencies, who understand a bit of high altitude sickness know what we are referring to here.

People took all kind of drugs to go up there. I saw zombies advancing without soul staring at Uhuru Peak hypnotized, some were brought up by force (which is extremly stupid, if you go up on your legs, you stand a chance to go done alone, but if they carry you up there, how can you go down without help?). Does it make sense to hike like this?

September 4, after 9 months ready to climb Mount Kenya

After climbing the Mount Elgon (4321mt) and cross the border Ugand-Kenya via the rain forest, we are ready to go up to the Mount Kenya!

August 16, Mwanza, Victoria Lake, Tanzania

At the moment we are in Tanzania after a Safari in the Serengeti and Ngoro Ngoro crater.

Well, we changed our plan as usual. After visiting the Victoria Falls in Zambia we should have gone to Tanzania immediately and then Kenya. Instead we decided to take a longer route.

June 16

We are leaving Saint Petersburg and Russia to Tallinn, Estonia.

Moving North, but Africa is getting closer! We are almost ready for it...

June 7

We are going back to Europe on the transiberian railways to Moscow. Before that one last day in Asia, at the Bajkal Lake.

We will be back in a week or so.

May 31

The next four day I'll be on a horse riding through Mongolia. I hope that the steppenwolf will not be hungry... Let's hope we will not need to wrestle like we did against the kid we met in the Gobi desert :))))