Photos Good-bye Prague

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Party at Karavanseraj resturant on November 27, 2009 before the departure!



(Please post this one intead of the other few typos)This is a very tgairc story, but it is not, in the least, surprising. It is obvious that black people are the most looked down upon people (generally) in the world. Nobody (white, Asian, Latino, Indian, and other) typically wants their son or daughter to marry outside their race but most defiantly not a black. African Americans most often are looked down upon by other black Africans and are often at the bottom in a long list of blacks all over the world. For example, my bf is habesha (Ethiopian) and I am African American; we have run into many ignorant situations with other habesha people who did not like their kind dating an African American even though I come from a decent family (and all the other things you may imagine one may look into before considering dating and/or marriage) but that does not seem to matter; it just matters that I am African American. White is more acceptable, maybe even other Africans, but not African American. I only hope that the killer(s) of this woman is bought to justice. Even in all this sadness, the world is still a beautiful place because of people who stand by and live for cohesiveness, understanding, and love; they do still exist.