51.2 Nepřipravená písnička na Utile (Unprepared Song in Utila)
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Na počest autorů geniální písničky ze závěru článku 1650 dnů, Martyho a Ginskiho, dvou backpackerů, cestujících po střední Americe, kteří si na Utile udělali kurz divemastera, půl roku tam jako divemasteři pracovali a tak se jim tam líbilo, že se rozhodli o Utile udělat písničku s videoklipem. Ne nějak amatérsky. Chtěli, aby byla perfektní. Perfektně sestříhaná, perfektně nazpívaná a s perfektním hudebním doprovodem. Taková písnička ale něco stojí. Měli už text, melodii a natočené video z Utily. Potřebovali najmout hudebníky, zpěváky, střihače, producenta ... Sehnali je levně - za nějakých 50 tisíc Kč. Tolik neměli. Na internetu tedy založili projekt, od dárců vybrali celých 50 tisíc a tato DOKONALÁ písnička byla na světě.
Ptáte se, proč to dělali? Kolik jim to vyneslo? No dobře, neptáte :-) Ale kdyby se někdo ptal. Nic jim to nevyneslo! Dělali to pro radost! A dokonale se jim to povedlo!
If you come to Utila, you will dive,
you never ever feel more alive,
if you come to Utila, you gonna drink tequila,
if you come to Utila, you will dive.
I took a giant stride, when I first arrived,
because I really, really wanted to get scuba certified,
so I watched the PADI videos and read the PADI guides,
and before my noon I was ready to dive.
Having all my open water things becoming OK,
to go where, to Tranquila on tequila Tuesday,
tequila Tuesday, tequila Tuesday, be careful on tequila Tuesday,
no matter what they say, be careful on this day!
The last, I remember, I was drinking up my mask,
next morning woke up with a snorkel in my ass,
now I can't go diving, cause I feel too sick,
somebody get me to the doctor quick!
If you've got something wrong, go to Dr. John,
he's a doctor with no T-shirt on,
he's got short sight and he's out all night,
but Dr. John will make you right!
If you've got something wrong, go to Dr. John,
he sleeps in late, but you won't wait long,
he likes to fight and his dog might bite,
but Dr. John will make you right!
If you come to Utila,
where the water is clearer,
you will drink tequila,
you will spend Lempira,
but you won't ever want to leave,
you'll never want to leave,
in Utila you can do as you please,
you can do whatever you want,
but you will never ever leave ...
I came to Utila for a day and a night,
but then I stayed a week and I sayed: "Right,
another week can't hurt, I will stay,
till I get my Skid Row T-shirt."
If you wanna Skid Row T-shirt,
you can't buy them in shops,
to get your Skid Row T-shirt,
you have to do shots,
you have to do shots,
lots and lots of shots.
At twelve, my stay was finally complete,
so I headed to the ferry to book my seat,
but I slipped out on the road and I forgot to look,
and got hit by speedy taxi 'tuk tuk'.
If you've got something wrong, go to Dr. John,
he's a doctor with no T-shirt on,
he's got short sight and he's out all night,
but Dr. John will make you right!
If you've got something wrong, go to Dr. John,
he sleeps in late, but you won't wait long,
he likes to fight and his dog might bite,
but Dr. John will make you right!
If you come to Utila,
where the water is clearer,
you will drink tequila,
you will spend Lempira,
but you won't ever want to leave,
you'll never want to leave,
in Utila you can do as you please,
you can do whatever you want,
but you will never ever leave ...
When it comes to diving, I'm the divemaster,
noone has ever been certified faster,
from open water straight to advanced,
and in my dive brief I got a song and dance:
"OK guys, we're going to the 'Black Coral Wall'
on this dive, we might see some:
trumpet, trigger, sea horse, needle,
parrot, puffer, moray eel,
grouper, box, hammerhead, grunt,
wattie, spade, lionfish hunt,
barracuda, butterfly, drum,
snapper, angel, scorpion,
electric, manta, eagle, sting,
sweeper, file, adolf, fin ...
OK, we are leaving guys,
so let's get our wetsuits on."
There are three lies of Utila, that everybody knows,
and you should know them too, and this is how they go:
"I love you", no you don't,
"I'm leaving tomorrow", no you won't,
"I'm not drinking tonight", yes you will,
because the fact about that is you’re in Utila still.
"I love you", no you don't,
"I'm leaving tomorrow", no you won't,
"I'm not drinking tonight", yes you will,
because the fact about that is you’re in Utila still.
If you come to Utila, where the water is clearer,
you will drink tequila, you will spend Lempira,
but you won't ever want to leave, you'll never want to leave,
in Utila you can do as you please, you can do whatever you want,
but you will never ever leave ...
If you come to Utila, where the water is clearer,
you will drink tequila, you will spend Lempira,
but you won't ever want to leave, you'll never want to leave,
in Utila you can do as you please, you can do whatever you want,
but you will never ever leave,
you can do whatever you want, but you will never ever leave ...
- Unprepared Franta's blog
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Utila song
"because the fact about that is you’re in Utila still." Těším se na další články!:-)
Maaarv to vyhral!!!
Tak jsi mne donutil ty stranky z deniku prece jen zverejnit! :-)
Krasne fotky
Pisnicku jsem sice jeste neslysel, ale fotky jsou krasne! Dekujeme :-)
Ale Tys jeste neslysel tu pisnicku? Musis si rychle poridit pocitac s reproduktory!!! Stoji to za to!!! :-)
Ale to vis, ze slysel, jen
Ale to vis, ze slysel, jen jsem nerozumel tomu hledanemu "slovu," tak jsem ji ani nezminoval :-)
Kdyby nahodou ...
Kdyby nahodou nekdo v tom klipu rozumel pasazim, kam jsem dal xxxxxxx, napiste mi to a ja to tam opravim. Pres to, ze jsem to poslouchal snad stokrat, nebyl jsem schopnej tomu porozumet :-)